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Vale Foundation’s projects and initiatives are developed and structured on Education, Basic Health, Productive Inclusion, and Social Protection, and include five Knowledge Stations. The projects are implemented in the territories in which Vale operates. On this page, you can learn more about the projects and filter considering the theme, the state or the city of operation.

Councils Strengthening Program 

The Councils Strengthening program is an initiative of the Vale Foundation that encourages better use of Vale’s incentivized resources for the Children and Adolescents´ Rights Fund and the Elderly Fund. Implemented in partnership with Mmuller, its main objective is to contribute to strengthening the management and performance of the Rights Councils in public policies, addressing issues such as regularization processes, planning, use of funds’ resources, transfers to civil society organizations, monitoring of resource execution, transparency and accountability.  

Food and Nutritional Security 

The project aims to support the structuring of sustainable rural production arrangements for family farmers in Minas Gerais and Maranhão. It is carried out in partnership with Instituto Meio and with complementary investments from BNDES within the scope of the Socio-Environmental Fund. 

Future Maker 

Carried out in Governador Valadares (MG), the Future Maker project helps vulnerable young people develop socio-emotional and professional skills in the area of ​​Technology. In addition to technical training, the project offers psychosocial support and seeks to promote the personal development of the participants, so that they can understand their potential and adequately get prepared for the professional journey. The initiative is the result of a partnership among the Vale Foundation, the Social Service of Industry (Sesi) and the National Service for Industrial Training (Senai). 

Health and Social Protection Cycle

The Health and Social Protection Cycle aims to strengthen disease prevention actions and promote primary health care as a cross-cutting policy of the Unified Social Assistance System (SUAS). The actions are organized based on the experience accumulated by the Health Cycle project in the territories, with an emphasis on participatory methodologies that are recognized and produce effective results.  

The project develops actions to encourage a culture of intersectoral work, foster the ongoing education of managers and professionals in the areas of Health and Social Assistance, expand the performance of Primary Health Care and Social Assistance and provide better technical and material conditions for actions that make a difference in the territories, in order to improve social and health indicators.  

Implemented by the Health Promotion Center (Cedaps), the Health and Social Protection Cycle is conducted in collaboration with municipal departments and has the technical cooperation of Estácio, Unifesspa and PUC-Rio universities, in addition to investments from Wheaton Precious Metals and the Brazilian Development Bank ​(BNDES), through the Together for Health fund.​ 

Knowledge Stations

The Knowledge Stations are spaces maintained by the Vale Foundation that offer educational, cultural, and sports activities in after-school hours, having children and teenagers from 6 to 17 years old as the main target audiences. Through their programs, they contribute to the social development of the communities, fostering creativity, innovation, partnerships articulation, participation and sharing of actions among public entities, organized civil society and communities, valuing the characteristics of each region.    

There are five Knowledge Stations in operation, located in the municipalities of Arari (MA), Brumadinho (MG), Serra (ES), Marabá and Tucumã (PA). They are independent institutions, maintained mainly with direct resources from the Vale Foundation, in addition to incentivized resources from Vale and resources from investment partners: Wheaton Precious Metals (Marabá, Tucumã and Arari), Posco (Marabá, Tucumã and Arari), CXHI (Marabá) and Hatch (Tucumã). The incentivized resources come from the Childhood and Adolescence Fund (Municipal Councils for the Defense of Children and Adolescents) and the Sports Incentive Law (Special Secretariat for Sports).  

Literary Routes and Networks

The Literary Routes and Networks program supports public schools to structure their policy for promoting books and reading and to integrate reading actions in the curriculum. The program fosters access to books and reading through the expansion of the schools’ literary collection and the training of teachers in reading mediation, in addition to improving the rooms and reading corners of the schools. Currently, Roda Educativa is the executing partner of the project in Ouro Preto (MG).  

Networked Territories

The Networked Territories program aims to identify the main challenges related to the development of municipalities, proposing a set of actions to ensure the confrontation of school exclusion and to carry out an in-depth diagnosis of the challenges experienced, in addition to promoting the articulation of governmental and non-governmental sectors for the development of policies and actions in different areas. 

The initiative is carried out by Cidade Escola Aprendiz and has Wheaton Precious Metals, Komatsu and Keda (KHDI) as investing partners. The project is currently active in 16 municipalities in the states of Pará, Espírito Santo, Minas Gerais and Rio de Janeiro.