Imagem destacada Perguntas frequentes

This page contains the most frequently asked questions about Vale Foundation. If your question is not covered below, please send your question in the contact us section.

Does Vale Foundation support projects developed by other institutions, such as local NGOs?

Yes. Vale Foundation develops its own programs and also supports existing projects, developed by institutions and NGOs of different sizes, through direct financing, resources mobilized by incentive laws and through public notices for local entities.

Find out more on the page about our: Activies > By Projects

I have a project and / or an NGO. How to participate in Vale Foundation’s public notices?

The Vale Foundation’s public notices are public. To participate, you must pay attention to the calls on the Vale Foundation website.

There are currently no notices available.

In which states and cities does Vale Foundation support projects?

Vale Foundation operates mainly in the states and cities in which Vale is present, through its operations or institutional activities. Every year there is a prioritization of which states and cities Vale Foundation will implement projects and direct resources to in that period.

Find out more on our Territories page.

What is the relationship between Vale Foundation and the mining company Vale?

Vale Foundation was created more than 50 years ago and is maintained by resources from the mining company Vale, but it is an independent institution, with its own statute, and regulated by the Public Ministry.

Find out more on our Governance and Transparency page.

Does Vale Foundation distribute donations?

No. Vale Foundation develops structural social programs and projects, aiming at social transformation and development in the territories. Donations, however, can be part of some initiatives or integrate some strategies of our institutional partners, financiers or executors.

Exceptionally, as in the case of actions to contain the Covid-19 pandemic, donations of materials, food and other inputs were made. More on this topic you can find on vale website.

Does Vale Foundation raise funds or campaign for donations?

Vale Foundation believes that in order to do more, it is necessary to do it together, which is why it has several investing partners, who have common goals in favor of the social development of the territory. These partners are other foundations, companies, business institutes and development agencies.

Vale Foundation does not raise funds from society, through donation campaigns by individuals, or through crowdfunding sites or virtual coworking.

Read more about how to partner with Vale Foundation.

Does Vale Foundation accept volunteers?

Currently, Vale Foundation does not have an active volunteer program. To participate in solidarity actions, access the Vale Volunteers Network page.

How do I send my resume to Vale Foundation?

The selection processes of Vale Foundation are public, and are concentrated on the Opportunities page in Brazil, on vale website.

Does Vale Foundation have cultural sponsorship actions?

Vale Foundation does not open calls or invitations to sponsor shows or circulate and disseminate artistic works. Sponsorships through federal incentive laws are provided for in Vale’s strategy to support culture, and more about this topic you can read on Vale Cultural Institute website.