Governance and Transparency

The Vale Foundation is a private and non-profit institution. It has Vale as its main maintainer, and also receives resources from other institutions and companies through donations directed to the development of projects in the territories where it operates.
Its mission is social development, and the focus is on strengthening public policies in different areas related to essential rights. To this end, it develops partnerships with the government, companies and third sector organizations.

The Vale Foundation is the main sponsor of five Knowledge Stations – spaces that offer educational, cultural and sport activities, during school’s second shift for children and adolescents. They are independent institutions, maintained with resources from the Vale Foundation and encouraged resources from Vale through incentive laws and tax waiver, and resources from partner companies.
The Vale Foundation is governed by a statute and by the regulatory acts issued by the bodies responsible for administration, in line with current legislation. Its performance is also guided by its Code of Ethics. The management and supervision of the activities are the responsibility of three councils: the Curator, the Fiscal and the Expert Panel. The Board of Trustees is the highest body for deliberation and guidance, which determines the objectives, guidelines and operational policies to be followed. The Fiscal Council, the supervisory body, is responsible for ensuring the economic and financial management of the organization. The Experts Panel brings together notables from different areas of knowledge and helps in the elaboration of Vale Foundation operating strategies.
Every year, the Vale Foundation reports to the Public Ministry of Rio de Janeiro, in accordance with Resolution No. 68 of 1979.
Executive Board
- President
- Flavia Constant
- Executive Director
- Pâmella De-Cnop
Board of Curators
- President
- Maria Luiza Paiva
- Members of the Board
- Marcelo Klein
- Antonio Padovezi
- Carlos Mello Junior
- Samanta Pillar
- Alternates
- Camilla Lott
- Bruno Ferraz
- Marcelo Barros
- Luiz Santiago
- Octavio Bulcão
Fiscal Board
- President
- Benjamin Moro
- Members of the Board
- Bruno Manso
- Gabriela Kappel
- Alternates
- Ricardo Pedrosa
- Lino Marques Barbosa
- Vera Lucia Schneider
Consulting Board – our Expert Panel
- Andrea Ramal
- Eliana Sousa Silva
- Heloísa Buarque de Hollanda
- Marcelo Moura
- Marcos da Veiga Pereira
- Rodrigo Hubner Mendes