Dual recognition: Education and Health projects by Vale Foundation win ABRH MG awards
Two more initiatives by the Vale Foundation have been recognized by the Brazilian Association of Human Resources (ABRH), this time by its Minas Gerais chapter. At a ceremony held on November 28, the Health Cycle and Doing Science projects won 2nd and 3rd places, respectively, in the Third Sector category of the 2024 Human Being Award.
Over 60 projects competed across five categories at the event, and the innovative actions of the Vale Foundation in training and capacity building for professionals that work in Primary Healthcare and municipal Education stood out. In the words of Maykell Costa, Vale Foundation’s South/Southeast Territory manager:
“The Doing Science project contributed to improving teaching and learning processes while enhancing pedagogical practices in Natural Sciences and Mathematics. It worked on the training and development of the technical staff of the Municipal Education Department and teachers in Itabira. The initiative, executed in partnership with Roda Educativa [Educative Round] and supported by DHHI investments, also ensures continuity by incorporating workshops into the schools’ annual planning”, he noted.
According to Maykell, in Governador Valadares, the Health Cycle project also worked sustainably alongside the Municipal Health Department, strengthening the city’s Primary Care through training and consultancy for 100% of the network’s professionals, from Basic Health Units (UBS) to central management. The project also supported equipping all UBS facilities to improve clinical performance and overall environment.
“Being recognized with an important award like the 2024 Human Being from ABRH-MG reinforces our certainty that our initiatives were carried out in a balanced manner, considering the interests of people, organizations, and society, and have achieved significant results that can be considered a market benchmark”, he celebrates.