
Social development as a purpose

The Vale Foundation seeks to contribute to the social development of the Brazilian territories where Vale operates by strengthening public policies for education, health and income generation. 

Collaboration-based performance

Contributing to the social development of the territories in which Vale is present is the mission of the Vale Foundation. We have programs in 48 municipalities and 5 Brazilian states. In each of them, we work from a collaborative perspective, establishing dialogues, valuing local knowledge and expanding voices in search of equal access to essential rights.

Alliances to address vulnerabilities

The Vale Foundation works with a horizontal view of guaranteeing essential rights to help promote the autonomy of communities. Through intersectoral action strategies and a network of partnerships, we develop education, health and income generation projects that aim to positively impact social indicators and combat poverty in the territories. 

Learn more

The Vale Foundation maintains five Knowledge Stations

Located in Arari (MA), Brumadinho (MG), Serra (ES), Marabá and Tucumã (PA), the Knowledge Stations promote activities aimed at the integral development of people. Its objectives include encouraging creativity and innovation, valuing the characteristics of each region and articulating partnerships between public entities and civil society.

2023 Results

R$ 89.8 MM

invested in social projects

197.6 thousand

benefited students ​

6.4 thousand

donated health items

1.3 thousand

sponsored entrepreneurs​

8.3 thousand

enrolled into Knowledge Stations​

Acesse aqui o Relatório de Atividades 2023

Click here to read the 2023 Activities Report



Adelia Santos 

“The Literacy Trails project helped us a lot in the classroom because it came to rescue our relationship with the culture of Maranhão so that we can learn together with the students. The almanacs distributed by the project are complemented with training that helps in the students’ learning process. The content about the flour mill, for example, is part of our community’s daily life and it was a great experience for the students to learn how to prepare flour, helping them appreciate their own culture.” 

Adelia Santos, teacher at the U.I. Tácitos de Caldas school in Buriticupu, Maranhão.