Women of Maranhão Network


The Women of Maranhão Network is a collective formed by the social businesses that were incubated, accelerated, and graduated by the AGIR Program executed on the Carajás Railroad (EFC). The social businesses that make up the Network are formed mainly by women, who commercialized products through the EFC passenger train window. With the train modernization, in 2015, the windows were closed, and these women lost their main source of income. “AGIR Program” supported the groups in their reinvention in the face of the new scenario and encouraged network associations. As a continuation of the “AGIR Program”, the Women of Maranhão Network, gains protagonism through the dynamization of its productive activities, integrating groups of babassu nut breakers to the Network, and accessing new markets. The implementation of the program and business support is carried out in partnership with Mandú Inovação Social and the project has Wheaton Precious Metals as an investor partner.

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