Literary Routes and Networks Project donates 6,800 books to public schools in Açailândia, Maranhão

The Literary Routes and Networks project, which promotes access to reading by expanding the literary collection of public schools, will benefit around 6,800 students from urban and rural areas of Açailândia, in Maranhão. Carried out by the Vale Foundation, in partnership with the Cidade Escola Aprendiz organization and the Açailândia City Hall, with an investment by Wheaton Precious Metals, the initiative donated 6,800 books, which now make up the collection of the reading rooms of 19 schools.
Teachers and students in the program chose 290 titles, including works from Maranhão literature, classics, poetry, books by black and indigenous authors, comic books, among others. In addition to the collection, three institutions in the district of Piquiá were awarded the structuring of libraries and reading rooms. The project also includes the training of teachers to act as promoters of reading in their communities.