Pink October: women’s health care in the Health Cycle program

Illustration of a woman hugging herself showing affection with herself.
Illustration of a woman hugging herself showing affection with herself.

Women’s health is an important issue addressed by the Health Cycle program, aimed at strengthening Primary Care. This year, the program is being implemented in 16 municipalities and supporting 148 Basic Health Units (UBS). In all, 18 workshops were held with a focus on women’s health, training 540 health professionals in the subject. The objective is to support teams in planning, executing, and evaluating strategies for education and promotion of women’s health. The meetings are conducted by teaching materials, such as the Women’s Health thematic notebook, from the Series of Studies in the Health and Health Cycle of women in times of coronavirus (COVID-19).  

In addition to the workshops, in the community engagement axis, animated cards were produced on breastfeeding and teenage pregnancy, shared via WhatsApp and the digital platform. This month, during the Pink October campaign, animated cards about breast cancer will be launched, which seek to disseminate information about the disease and strengthen recommendations for prevention, diagnosis, and treatment.  

Also, in the axis of engagement and health promotion, the podcast “Connect to the Health Cycle” will feature the participation of specialist Luiz Antônio Teixeira, a researcher at Fiocruz, who is part of the Casa de Oswaldo Cruz team. The material will be released on October 21st on the Spotify and SoundCloud digital platforms. The initiative is a partnership between the Vale Foundation and the Health Promotion Center (CEDAPS) and the Municipal Health Secretariats. 

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